There are two types of memory allocations possible in C.


1)  Compile-time or Static allocation(using arrays).

2)  Run-time or Dynamic allocation (using pointers).



In the first type of allocation i.e. .static, the required amount of memory is allocated to the program element (identifiers names which include variables name, function name, program name etc) at the start of the program. Here the memory to be allocated to the variable is fixed and is determined by the compiler at the compile time (if it is a single integer variable it allocates two bytes to it, if it is an array of five integer values it allocates ten bytes to it and if it is a single float type of variable compiler allocates four bytes to it).For example, consider the following declaration:

         int x,y;

        float a[5];

When the first statement is encountered, the compiler will allocate two bytes to each variables x and y. The second statement results into the allocation of 20 bytes to the array a (5*4, where there are five elements and each element of float type takes four bytes).


The first problem with static allocation is that once the memory is allocated for the elements that memory cannot be reused until we exit the program.

The second problem with static memory allocation is that if you store less number of elements than the number of elements for which you have declared memory, than the rest of the memory will be wasted (i.e. it is not made available to other applications and its status is set as allocated and not free).This leads to the inefficient use of memory.


The concept of Dynamic or Run-time memory allocation helps us to overcome this problem in arrays, as well as allows us to be able to get the required chunk of memory at run-time (or we can say as the need arises).This is best suited type of allocation where we do not know the memory requirement in advance, which is the case with most of real-life problems. In other words, dynamic memory allocation gives flexibility for programmer. So it makes efficient use of memory, by allocating the required amount of memory whenever needed, unlike static allocation where we declare the amount to be allocated statically.


C provides the following dynamic allocation and de-allocation functions:

        I.    malloc()

      II.    calloc()

    III.    free()

    IV.    realloc()


1. The malloc () Function


The malloc () function allocates a block of memory in bytes. The user should explicitly give the block size it requires for the use. The malloc () function is like a request to the RAM of the system to allocate memory. If the request is granted (i.e. the malloc function stays successful in allocating memory), it returns a pointer to the first block of that memory. By default, the type of pointer it returns is void. However if the malloc () function fails to allocate the required amount of memory, it returns a NULL. The malloc () function is available in header file alloc.h or stdlib.h in TURBO C, and on UNIX it will be available in header file <malloc.h>.The syntax of this function is as follows:

                  malloc (number of elements * size of each element)

For example,

         int *ptr;

         ptr= malloc(10*sizeof(int))

But the function malloc () returns a void pointer so a cast operator is required to change the returned pointer type according to our need, the above declaration would take the following form:

                 ptr_var= (type_cast*) malloc (size)

         Where ptr_var is the name of pointer that holds the starting address of allocated memory block, type_cast is the data type into which the returned pointer (type void) is to be converted, and size specifies the size of allocated memory block in bytes.

         For example,

                 int *ptr;

                 ptr=(int *) malloc(10*sizeof(int));

After the execution of this statement, a consecutive memory block of 20 bytes is allocated to the program. Then the starting address of the memory block is assigned to ptr.


Similarly for the allocation of memory to a character variable, the following statements are required:

                 char *ptr;

                 ptr=(char *)malloc(10*sizeof(char))


After the execution of above statement, a memory block of 10 bytes is allocated to the program. The starting address of this block is assigned to ptr.


1. Program to demonstrate the use of Dynamic memory allocation function malloc().This program finds the sum and average of all elements of the array






#define NULL 0

void main()


         int *ptr;

         int i,n,sum=0;

float avg;


         printf("Enter the number of element you want to store");


         ptr=(int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int));



                 printf ("The required amount of memory is not available");






                 printf("Enter the elements\n");







                 printf("Sum of %d elements of array is=%d",n,sum);


                 printf("The average of %d number of the array is %f",n,avg);




The output of the above program will be:

Enter the number of elements you want to store 5

Enter the elements 22 34 1 45 6

Sum of 5 elements is = 108

Average of 5 elements is = 21.6


2.The calloc() Function


         This function works exactly similar to malloc () function except that it needs two arguments as against one argument required by malloc().

The calloc() function is available in header file <alloc.h> or stdlib.h in TURBO C,and on UNIX it will be available in header file <malloc.h>.


For example:

         int *ptr;

         ptr=(int *) calloc(10,2);


Here 10 specifies the number of elements for which allocation is to be made and 2 specifies the size of data type in byte for which we want the allocation to be made, which in this case is 2 for integers.

After the execution of the above statement a memory block of 20 bytes is allocated to the program and the starting address of memory block is assigned to pointer ptr.


3. The Free() function


         The free() function is used to de-allocate the previously allocated memory using malloc() or calloc() functions. The syntax of this function is:



Where ptr_var is the pointer in which the address of the allocated memory block is assigned. The free function is used to return the allocated memory to the system RAM.


The malloc() function allocates memory, and the free() function releases it.

Each time malloc() memory request is made, a portion of the remaining free memory is allocated.

Each time a free() memory releases call is made, memory is returned to the system.


4. The realloc() function


         This function is used to resize the size of memory block, which is already allocated(i.e. to modify the size of already allocated memory block).it is mainly used in two situations:

        I.    if the allocated memory block is insufficient for current application

      II.    if the allocated memory is much more than what is required by the current application.

The syntax of this function is as follows:


Where ptr_var is the pointer holding the starting address of already allocated memory block. And new_size is the size in bytes you want the system to allocate now, it may be smaller than the size of previously allocated memory block or may be greater than the size of previously allocated memory block depending upon the requirement. This function is also available in the header file <alloc.h> and <stdlib.h>


Note: Before using the realloc() function, the memory block to be resized should be allocated, using the following statement:



2. Program to illustrate the use of functions realloc() and free()





void main()


         char *msg;


         msg=(char *) malloc(10*sizeof(char));

         strcpy(msg, "My name is");

         printf("The message now is %s\n",msg);

         msg=(char *) realloc(msg,25);

         strcpy(msg,"My name is Raul Gonzaalez");

         printf("\n The message is now %s",msg);




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