

Functions are frequently used in C to minimize a series of instructions that are to be executed more than once. A loop can repeat a series of instructions only if each iteration immediately follows the previous one. Calling of function can cause a series of instructions to be repeated at any point within the program. Thus the use of function generally results in a shorter, less expensive program that is quicker to write and easier to debug.


A function is a self-contained program segment that carries out some specific, well defined task. Every C program consists of one or more functions. One of these functions must be called main. Execution of the program will always begin by carrying out the instructions in main. Additional functions will be subordinate to main, and perhaps to one another.

A function will carry out its intended action whenever it is accessed from some other portion of the program. The same function can be accessed from several different places within a program. Once the function has carried out its intended action, control will be returned to the point from which the function was accessed.

Generally, a function will process information that is passed to it from the calling portion of the program and return a single value. Information is passed to the function via special identifiers called arguments (also called parameters), and returned via the return statement. Some functions, however, accept information but do not return anything, whereas, some function might accept nothing and return something.

Advantages of using Function

  • C programs can be modularized through the intelligent use of functions, which allows a large program to be broken down into a number of smaller, self-contained components, each of which has some unique, identifiable purpose.
  • The use of a function avoids the need for redundant programming of the same instructions.
  • Logical clarity is achieved from the decomposition of a program into several concise functions, where each function represents some well-defined part of the overall problem.
  • The use of functions also enables a programmer to build a customized library of frequently used routines.

The execution of any C program starts from the main (). There are two kinds of functions.


Library Function and User Defined Function


Library Function

Library functions are not written by us. Its definition is written in library file and its prototype is defined in header file. printf () and scanf () are an example of library function. Other library functions are sqrt (), pow () etc.


User Defined function

C provides capability to define function by the programmer according to their requirement. These functions are called User defined functions. User defined function is self contained block of code that performs a particular task. Once a user defined function has been written, it can be treated as a block that can be called from other part of the program.


A function consists of three parts:

            i.     Function prototype/function declaration

          ii.     Function definition

        iii.     Function Call


Function Prototype/Function declaration

Function prototype tells the compilers how the function will look in terms of its name, the data type it returns and number of parameters it takes.



return type name of the function (data type arg 1, data type arg 2, data type arg n);

(We should note that argument name in function declaration is optional)


Function Definition

Function definition contains programming statements or codes to perform the specific task. Function definition is executed only if it is called.


Function Call

A function can be called by specifying its name, followed by a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. If the function call does not require any arguments, an empty pair of parentheses must follow the name of the function. The function call may be a part of a simple expression (such as assignment statement), or it may be one of the operands within a more complex expression.


Note: In C practice of following function declaration by function definition is very common. Either method is correct, we can declare the function first, write the main function then define the function, or declare and define the function and write the main function.



To clarify the need for user defined function, let us write a program to print a program to output as given below.



Welcome to St. Xavier’s Campus


C Programming


I am learning C function



Example #1




void main()



      printf("\n\t Welcome to St. Xavier's Campus\n");


      printf("\n\t C Programming\n");


      printf("\n\t I am learning C function\n");









Example #2



void main()


      int i;




      printf("\n\t Welcome to St. Xavier's Campus\n");



      printf("\n\t C Programming\n");



      printf("\n\t I am learning C function\n");








void asterisks_line();                     // function declaration

void main ()



asterisks_line();                                // calling function

      printf("\n\t Welcome to St. Xavier's Campus\n");

      asterisks_line();                                 // calling function

      printf("\n\t C Programming\n");

      asterisks_line();                                // calling function

      printf("\n\t I am learning C function\n");

      asterisks_line();                               // calling function   



void asterisks_line()                                   // called function


int i;






//declaring the function and defining the function at the same time




float calarea(float a, float b)           //function declaration


      float area;

      area=l*b;                           //function definition

      return area;


void main()


      float l, b, area;


      printf("\n Enter length and breadth of the rectangle:");

      scanf("%f %f", &l, &b);

      area=calarea(l, b);           //function call

      printf("\n Area of the rectangle is :%f", area);





Types of User Defined Function


Function can be classified into four categories based on the passing of the argument to the function and returning of the value from the function.


            i.     Function with no arguments and no return value

          ii.     Function with arguments and no return value

        iii.     Function with no arguments and return value

        iv.     Functions with arguments and return value








//Program to calculate area of a circle using function with no arguments and no return value




void calarea()

      float r, area;

      printf("\n Enter radius of the circle:");

      scanf("%f", &r);


      printf("\n Area of the circle: %f", area);


void main()






//Program to calculate area of circle using function that takes argument but returns nothing




void calarea(float r)

      float area;


      printf("\n Area of the circle: %f", area);


void main()


      float r;

      printf("\n Enter radius of the circle:");

      scanf("%f", &r); 







//Program to calculate area of circle using function that takes no argument but return some value.




float calarea()

      float r, area;

      printf("\n Enter radius of the circle:");

      scanf("%f", &r); 


      return area;


void main()


      float area;

      area= calarea();

      printf("\n Area of circle:%f", area);

      getch ();



//Program to calculate area of circle using function that takes some arguments and return some value.




float calarea(float r)

      float area;


      return area;


void main()


      float r,area;

      printf("\n Enter radius of the circle:");

      scanf("%f", &r); 


      printf("\n Area of circle:%f", area);




Local and Global variable:-


Local variable:


Variable declared within functions is called local variable. Its name and value are valid only within the function in which it is declared.


// program to show the use of local variable





int get_data();

void main()


int num;


printf(“\n The number is %d”, num);

getch ();


int get_data()


int n;

printf(“Enter a number:\n”);

scanf(“%d”, &n);

return n;





Enter a number


The number is 125


Global Variable:-


A global variable is a variable whose name, value and existence are known throughout the execution of the program. It is accessible to all the functions defined in the program. It is declared at the beginning of the program, before the definition of the main () function.




// use of the global variable






int length,width,area;

int get_data();

void calc_area();

void main()


printf(“Enter the length:\n”);


printf(“Enter the width :\n”);



printf(“\n The area is %d\n”, area);



int get_data()


int a;

scanf(“%d”, &a);

return a;


void calc_area()

















A recursive function is a function that calls itself to perform a specific operation. The process of a function calling itself is called recursion.


// program to calculate factorial of number using recursive method





int fact_recur(int);

void main()


int n, result;

printf(“Enter a number:\n);


result= fact_recur (n);

printf(“The factorial of %d is %d”, n, result);



int fact_recur(int n)



return 1;


return (n*fact_recur(n-1));



Storage Classes


The storage class precedes the variables declaration and tells the compiler how the variable should be stored. Generally supported storage classes are:


·       auto

·       static

If the storage class in the variable declaration is omitted, it is assumed of type auto i.e. storage class is auto by default.



#Auto storage class:-


If not initialized in the declaration statement their initial value is unpredictable which is often called garbage value. If the variable is declared within a function, then only it is visible to that function. But if it is declared outside the function, then it is visible to all the function. If retains its value till the control remains in the block in which the variable is declared.



auto int i,j=10;

printf(“\n Value of i=%d\n value of j=%d”,I,j);




Value of i=1250

Value of j=10


Next time when we run this program, we get different value of I as I is not initialized. So, it is assigned by any garbage value.


//Program to show the auto storage class variable is declared outside all blocks.


auto int j=10;


printf(“\n Value of j is %d”, j);


printf(“\n value of j is %d”, j);




//program to show the auto storage class when same variable is declared in different blocks



auto int j=10;



auto int j=50;

printf (“\n Value of auto variable %d”, j);


printf(“\n value of j is %d”, j);



Note that the compiler treats this j as different variable since they are defined in different blocks although within the same function. As the inner block is complete, the variable j loses its value 50 and in outer loop, variable j refers to value 10.


Static storage class:-

If it is not initialized in the declaration statement, their initial value is zero. If the variable is declared outside the function, then it is visible to all the functions.

It retains its value between different function calls.


//program to show the use of static storage class


void increment();

void main()






void increment()


auto int i=1;

printf(“%d”, i);




1 1 1



void increment();

void main()






void increment()


static int i=1;

printf(“%d”, i);




Output: 1 2 3


In 1, when control comes out of function definition, the memory location held by it will be destroyed and it forgets the previous value. When again enters, I reinitialized to 1.

In 2, each time the control comes out of function, it retains the previous value since the integer variable I is declared as static.



Function and Arrays


In C, it is possible to pass the value of an array element and even an entire array as an argument t a function. To pass a single array element to a function, the array element is specified as an argument to the function in normal fashion.


// program to show array element as argument to function



void print_age(int);

void main()


int age[]={120,18,35,19,27},i;




void print_age(int a)






120 18 35 19 27


//program to pass the entire one dimensional array to function



void main()


int age[]={20,18,25,19,27},i;




void print_age(int age[])


int i;






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